Read through the Bible with your CrossPoint Family

Join us on our daily journey of reading the entire Bible in 5 years! The additional scriptures here are chosen for how they undergird and support our weekend teaching. Our daily reading plan is also available in the CrossPoint Mobile App
Date Scripture Reference
7/27 Ps. 132-133
7/26 Ps. 129-131
7/25 Ps. 126-128
7/24 Ps. 123-125
7/23 Ps. 120-122
7/22 Phil. 4:14–23
7/21 Phil. 4:14–23
7/20 Ps. 119:121-176
7/19 Ps. 119:57-120
7/18 Ps. 119:1-56
7/17 Ps. 116-118
7/16 Ps. 114-115
7/15 Phil. 4:10-13
7/14 Phil. 4:10-13